Blog Script to add Automatic Source Links to every Article Blogger when Copied
The script adds Automatic Source Links to Articles - Not only on the Internet, yes, the Copy Copying Text activity or the cool language COPAS actually happens in all aspects of life, even scripts**.. Ehehe, on the Internet, usually blog visitors copy the text of articles from website to their own website, sometimes without providing a link to the source of the article, just copy and paste.
Fortunately, the current Google algorithm is getting smarter in overcoming this.. the mission of eradicating plagiarism is like that, but yes, sometimes the system can be wrong, what is caught is the source blog. discussed earlier in the Cause of Drastic Decline in Blog Traffic ... and it is possible that it is also the cause ... but it's still a possibility, huh .. hehe, besides the one that plays the most role at this time is "Rarely Updates".
How the Blog Script System Works Adding Automatic Source Links to Articles
he way it works is actually simple, when blog visitors copy and paste your blog articles, and your blog is not equipped with a Copy Paste Prevention Script using Very Powerful CSS that I have discussed before, then when the visitor is successful in copying to his blog, the Source Link will come out to the Blog. you automatically, meaning if the visitors to your blog ignore it, then you will get Free Backlinks .. ehehe.
But if your blog visitors are aware of this, then they will usually delete it if they don't appreciate the work of other people's articles, and just admit it to be their own article work. Wow, that's scary too, we're the ones at risk for writing articles, eh
taken without permission
Articles are Expensive!
Please note, friends, every article made by the author, whether it is typed manually or using other media, is very valuable. Try asking the brothers who open computer rentals or typing... how much does it cost to type a full page of words per sheet, heh... how much do you try,
Plus usually Blog articles are not just typing, there is an element of SEO optimization as well, now let's see, how much does SEO optimization service cost per 1000 words, because the average blog article is at least 300 words, so I think it's 1000 say, how many tries?
Worse yet, there is software to collect a lot of articles on the internet in minutes or hours to post directly to the blog / website. It's included in the blacklist of the blogging world, it's scary, you don't want to be difficult, just COPAS, left ongkang ongkang.
It's scary, it's still better for COPAS to use the manual method, bro... how can I say it, maybe yes or no, but if you reference I don't think it's a problem, it means something like if you make a thesis like that (which is really for a thesis) you take from several sources, and there you don't just copypas raw.
And when you mention the Source Link there, at least you appreciate the efforts of the author of the article, although here I emphasize not to copy raw.
How to Add Article Source Links Automatically When Articles are in Copas
The way is as usual, friend, you have to first log in to the admin dashboard of your blog, you are free to use any browser, but here I prefer to use Mozilla Firefox, hehe ... even though I also use Chrome, Edge, and even Opera.. .
1. Go to Blogger page
2. Click on the Theme
3. Click triangle, then Select Edit HTML
4. Add the following code just before the Body tag ends or above </body>
Script Code Source Link Full Version
/*Script Automatic Source Links
<script type='text/javascript'>
!function(e,t){var n="getSelection",o="removeAllRanges",i="addRange",l="parentNode",a="firstChild",d="appendChild",r="removeChild",s="test",c="innerHTML";if(e[n]){var p,g,f,h,u,y;t.addEventListener("copy",function(C){for(;3===g.nodeType;)g=g[l];if(h=t.createElement("div"),(p=e[n]())&&p.rangeCount&&(p=p.getRangeAt(0))&&(f=p.cloneRange(),p=p.cloneContents())){for(;u=p[a];)h[d](u);if(!/^(pre|code)$/i[s](g.nodeName||"")&&!/(^|\s)no-attribution(\s|$)/i[s](g.className||"")){var v=e.location.href;h[c]+="<br><br>© "+t.title+'<br>Sumber: <a href="'+v+'">'+v+"</a>"}y=t.createRange(),t.body[d](h),y.selectNodeContents(h),p=e[n](),p[o](),p[i](y),setTimeout(function(){h[l][r](h),p[o](),p[i](f)})}},!1)}}(window,document);
Now that is the complete version with the page source text, and the script above also has optimization for friends who have programming tutorial blogs that usually use Pre and Code tags, as an exception.
Script Code Source Link Short Version
Script Short Automatic Source Links
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*/ <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ // Copy Text function nocopas(){var e=window.getSelection();pagelink=" Baca Lainnya : "+document.location.href,copytext=e+pagelink,newdiv=document.createElement("div"),"absolute","-99999px",document.body.appendChild(newdiv),newdiv.innerHTML=copytext,e.selectAllChildren(newdiv),window.setTimeout(function(){document.body.removeChild(newdiv)},100)}document.addEventListener("copy",nocopas); //]]> </script>
Why are there 2 versions, yes, everyone has different tastes.. please enjoy which one.. that's all, maybe the reason is to give you choices...
Hopefully Articles How to create automatic source links with Article Blog Scripts in COPAS
Can be useful, although it can be deleted, but at least we have tried to protect our articles.
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